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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Turismo Sostenible
    (Fondo Editorial Ceipa, 2024) Aguiar López, José Gregorio; Boada, Antonio; CEIPA Powered by Arizona State University
    Cuando se menciona el término turismo sostenible, no se trata de un tipo de construcción específica con materiales sólidos, ni tampoco se habla de un turismo inamovible, sino de un concepto que busca prever qué aporta el turismo a una sociedad de manera íntegra y que logra reconocer las afectaciones que un proyecto turístico puede producir tanto en el tiempo actual como en el futuro. Y a partir de esas consideraciones, actuar en consecuencia para lograr el equilibrio y respeto entre el disfrute del turístico, el ambiente y las bellezas naturales que ofrece, sus orígenes y esencia, el acervo de la población local, su cultura y creencias con el progreso económico y social de la región. En este sentido, esta recopilación enmarca tres temarios relacionados con el turismo sostenible, diseñados para que el lector sostenga en sus manos una obra que documenta de una manera experiencial aspectos conceptuales y prácticos del turismo sostenible, incluye propuestas de indicadores y formas de medición dimensional para dicho fenómeno.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Huella de la investigación y la innovación CEIPA, una mirada a nuestras alianzas
    (Julian Andrés Zapata Cortés, 2022-08) Saldarriaga Romero, Víctor Jaime, Herrero Olarte, Susana, García Gómez, Sara María, Cuartas Osorio, Laura, Montoya Agudelo, César Alveiro, Arias Arcila, Myriam, Yepes Escobar, Daniela, Vargas Vélez, Milena, Jaramillo Mora, Daniela, Betancur Bolívar, Juan Pablo, Yepes Delgado, Carlos Enrique; Fondo Editorial Ceipa
    CEIPA powered by Arizona State University, comprometida con el desarrollo de las personas, las organizaciones, la sociedad y la gestión del conocimiento en entornos presenciales, virtuales e híbridos, ha sido testigo en la Cuarta Semana de la Investigación y de la Innovación CEIPA, del fortalecimiento de los entornos investigativos y de aprendizaje multidisciplinarios y la participación de schoolars y practitioners. En este evento, investigadores en formación, egresados y estudiantes de diversas instituciones universitarias y empresariales han sido protagonistas con sus aportes para el enriquecimiento de la comunidad científica en diversas disciplinas y campos de conocimiento. Es de resaltar la participación de diferentes investigaciones germinadas en diversos semilleros de investigación y el desarrollo de estos trabajos entre la universidad y la empresa. Espacios como los semilleros de investigación son de alta relevancia para la sociedad, ya que en ellos se apuesta por la formación de los futuros investigadores, por la articulación investigativa con la práctica profesional, el fortalecimiento de la enseñanza activa y constructiva, el fomento del pensamiento crítico, la apropiación y aplicación de diversos métodos y técnicas de investigación, además de brindar la oportunidad de fortalecer la interacción entre academia-ciencia-empresa, lo que facilita la difusión del conocimiento y su aplicación en contextos reales para la solución de necesidades sociales y empresariales.
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    Mejoramiento de cadenas de suministro de pymes : una propuesta de aplicación del modelo SCOR para potencializar la internacionalización
    (l Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2023-02) Manotas R. Eva Cristina; Alzate Rendón Isabel Cristina; Boada, Antonio
    Varios trabajos han reconocido la importancia de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) para el desarrollo de las economías (Chung et al., 2008; Fahy et al., 2005; García et al, 2016; Liu et al, 2008; Okpara, 2009). Estas empresas son responsables de una proporción considerable del crecimiento y de la creación de nuevos empleos en los países de economías emergentes (Álvarez et al, 2008; Cadot et al, 2012; Lyon et al, 2000; Robu, 2013). Además, en países con mercados internos altamente competitivos como Colombia, el número de pymes que participan en actividades comerciales internacionales se ha incrementado (Javalgi et al., 2011, Manolova et al., 2002; McDougall y Oviatt, 2000; Ruzzier et al., 2006).
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Libro de casos empresariales
    (© CEIPA powered by Arizona State University, 2023-10-23) Saldarriaga Romero, Víctor Jaime; Marín Narváez, Lía Marcela; Ospina Sánchez, Leidy Tatiana; Losada Strange, Jaime Miguel; López Calvo, Karen María; Ayala Regalado, Carlos Javier; Montoya Ríos, Francisco Javier; Jiménez Laverde, Nathalia; Franco Restrepo, Juan Gonzalo; Gómez Trujillo, Ana María
    El método del caso, desde que surgió en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Harvard en 1914, es una de las herramientas más útiles y efectivas que las escuelas de negocios y las facultades de ciencias sociales tienen para transmitir conocimiento. Esta fórmula empleada desde entonces en muchos de los mejores centros de formación directiva de todo el mundo se basa en el relato, incluso muchas veces novelado, de una situación específica a la que se enfrenta una empresa y ante la cual los estudiantes tendrán que tomar una decisión; decisión, que no siempre es evidente y ni siquiera única o fácil de implementar. Es por ello que se utiliza una metodología de aprendizaje que implica al estudiante de forma activa en la búsqueda de la solución, sin ser reactiva como pudiera ser la lectura de un texto simplemente descriptivo. El método del caso Harvard reta al estudiante y a partir de ahí todo debe ser crecimiento para él, en un contexto de debate e intercambio de ideas.
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    Creación de redes para el fortalecimiento de la gestión de la investigación y desarrollo I+D en la organización moderna
    (Fondo Editorial Ceipa, 2023-09-20) Alzate Rendón Isabel Cristina; Boada, Antonio José
    La gestión de la investigación y el desarrollo (I+D) en la organización moderna ha tomado gran relevancia gracias a la necesidad de respaldar sus innovaciones (de producto y proceso) y estrategias organizacionales con un proceso mucho más concienzudo y estricto que permita un crecimiento sostenible y el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas para la organización. De igual forma, las redes colaborativas que se generan entre múltiples actores de un sistema de innovación y de relaciones organizacionales en general, permiten potencializar los efectos que la I+D tiene para los involucrados en una red colaborativa. En general, el presente libro busca presentar una revisión de la literatura de autores que analizan el concepto de la I+D desde cuatro perspectivas en particular: i) estrategia alineada con la I+D, ii) organización para la I+D, iii) administración y gestión de proyectos I+D y, finalmente, iv) evaluación de proyectos I+D, todas las anteriores alineadas con el concepto de las redes colaborativas.
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    Matemáticas Básicas para Administradores
    (2022-12) Pérez Galeano, Diego Alejandro; Londoño Ramírez, Daniel Alfonso; Londoño Ramírez, Francisco Javier; Boada, Antonio
    It is common to see in our schools children writing the perfect theories in their notebooks that teachers successfully bring to the classroom. Months of hard work give account of a process characterized by the coldness of the calculations that implies having a notebook full of precise notes on the mathematics that must be taught in that specific grade. Many hours are invested by children, siblings and parents to carry out the tasks that the teacher has indicated in order to give an account of the theory that, in a precise way, without excess or default, the master has given impartially and beyond suspicion of error. Thus, in this context, in this reality, the school has been involved for several years now. decades (if not forever). However, few teachers, even few students, they still give themselves to the task of asking themselves sensibly: this ‒mathematics‒ as it is raised, What is it for? What is the purpose of learning these multiplication tables, just as they are in the board? What is factoring used for in my house? Who benefits from knowing the law of signs? Year after year, students are promoted from one grade to the next with the expectation that math in that grade to be at least not as scary of a challenge to overcome as the year before. Every year some students in our schools hope that the math teacher "won't put so much homework" and that "at least you can be understood to win the exam"
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Patrones educativos para reducir la deserción estudiantil. Experiencias en Colombia y Venezuela
    (2022-11) Solórzano, Verónica; Álzate, Juan José; Monsalve Ruiz, Angie Paola; Pacheco, Jessica; Londoño, Daniel; Vanegas, Freddy; Boada, Antonio
    In a research process on dropout, we can find a large amount of literature on the aspects of impact, predictive models, factorial structures and other statistical and even psychometric techniques, which help in the estimation and conceptualization of student retention. However, this article aims to expose to the reader the real absence of a single pattern of student dropout, referring to the fact that these studies are based on particular aspects (very valid, but not generalizable) of educational institutions. Thus, student continuation will depend mainly on the characteristics and specifications of the educational institution, especially its study regime and pedagogical model, developed in a particular environment that encourages educational continuity in some students and dropout in others.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Educación e investigación contable en Colombia: una mirada holística de la disciplina
    (2022-04) Valero Zapata, Gloria Milena; Patiño Jacinto, Ruth Alejandra; Chaverra Márquez, Jazmín Esther
    I am Brazilian and every day I learn something about Colombian culture and its language. In 2018, when I was in Bogotá for the first time to participate in the Fourth Global Congress of Accounting and Finance –Interges, I heard many people saying very cool when they complimented other people. So, to start talking about the work Accounting education and research in Colombia: a holistic view of the discipline I think that the very cool expression is perfect to describe the book they are holding in their hands. The editors Gloria Milena Valero Zapata, Ruth Alejandra Patiño Jacinto and Jazmín Esther Chaverra Márquez, were (and are) very competent when choosing the list of authors, because in addition to their own works, the text presents valuable works by teachers and students such as Ángela Natalia Preciado Velandia, Cynthia Jennifer O’Neill May, Edgar Gomez Gonzalez, Gabriel Enrique Moreno Sanchez, Iveth Dajanna Roa Martinez, Jorge Fernando García Carrillo, Julián David Sandoval Alarcón, Linda Yineth Rodríguez Benavides, Martha Giovanna Acosta Sahamuel, Michael Andres Diaz Jimenez, Miguel Angel Laverde Sarmiento, Patricia Stephany Cortés Cachaya, Walter Hemiro Yaya Tibambre, Yaquelin Castaneda Novoa. The diversity of contributions from the experiences of the authors, magnifies the work and reinforces the importance of the role of collaboration networks in the academic research setting.
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    Misiones académicas un mundo por descubrir: oportunidades para invertir: caso Turquía
    (2022-11) Quintero Zuluaga, John Fredy; Marín Piedrahíta, Carolina
    Higher education is a social instrument created to help new generations to prepare, to professionally face the challenges of their time in a interconnected world like the current one, and for this reason, internationalization must be one of the the most evident manifestations of a high quality professionalization process. The Academic Cultural and Business Mission is a didactic construct of CEIPA, emanating of the Pedagogical Model, interdisciplinary, theoretical-practical, focused on challenges and projects business, without barriers of time and space. This last quality -without space barriers- fosters the idea of ​​rethinking the concept of "classroom", because it breaks down the walls so that it extends geographically and encompasses even the entire planet. Education in the Knowledge Society and in the framework of Globalization requires pedagogical and didactic creativity and strategies innovative strategies that prepare future professionals to work in a world open, intercultural and changing. With the modality of Cultural and Business Academic Mission, the students of the different Administration and Public Accounting undergraduates have the opportunity to live an experience that combines the intercultural with the management of tools statistics, research and market analysis.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    De la pedagogía tradicional a la pedagogía virtual: 50 años reinventando la educación
    (2022-11) Boada, Antonio; Pérez Galeano, Diego Alejandro; del Valle Pacheco, Jessica; - Antonio Boada; - Diego Alejandro Pérez Galeano; - Antonio Boada; - Diego Alejandro Pérez Galeano; - Antonio Boada
    This book is born as a tribute to commemorate the 50 years that leads CEIPA Business School reinventing education. His greatest feat consists of the implementation of a new pedagogy always centered on the student as the core of the teaching and learning processes. That's why is considered unique, genuine, heterogeneous, flexible and transformational, since who has known how to transcend the thresholds of traditional pedagogy to the point of to what is currently known as virtual pedagogy from two approaches well-defined: the holistic development of students and the creation of new teaching and learning models. The first seeks to promote and strengthen the spiritual, cognitive, affective, social, scientific, historical, cultural, political, rational, creative, family, business and of any other nature, given the importance that this plays in the integral formation of the human being. He second, the creation of new habits, methodologies and study plans as consequence of the adoption and implementation of the most modern, pioneering and innovative teaching and learning methods (Mazo, 2011) adjusted to the technological, economic, historical, political, educational, social, cultural that also carry implicit and the demands of the population for the strengthening of the educational system.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Psicología de las organizaciones y del trabajo: Apuesta de investigación III
    To the reader interested in the Psychology of organizations and work, this book offers a complete and diversified current panorama of topics, theoretical approaches, methodological and empirical approaches in this complex field of knowledge. It constitutes rich reference and reading material for students, practitioners and researchers of the area of Psychology of organizations and work. Another very favorable aspect of the work are the institutions, nationalities and authors involved in this daring scientific project, signs of the magnitude of the networks built for the knowledge production. It is organized in four parts that differ for emphasizing different, although interrelated, objects of study: work, organizations, management and health in the work context. The section dedicated to work adds nine chapters resulting from studies empirical studies, critical theoretical essays, and literature reviews that address issues aligned with the challenges that surround the contemporary world of work. So that the topics are very varied: idiosyncratic contracts (i-deals), programs of universal income, role of leadership in the management of the family-life interface personal-work, criticism of the abusive use of mindfulness practices in management work and people, moral harassment, teleworking and quality of life, work informal, free time and leisure and, finally, retirement.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    3ra Semana de la investigación y la innovación, memorias 2021 Libro de investigación.
    (2021-08) Daza Martínez, Katherine; Ochoa Muñoz, José Rodolfo; Soto Jáuregui, Luis Cristian; David Tenorio, Luis Enrique; Arias Torres, Santiago; Vélez Bedoya, Rodrigo Angel; Rico Castillo, Jorge Enrique; Gómez Trujillo, Ana María; Galindo Rodríguez, Oscar Andrés; Arboleda Medina, Paula Andrea
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Orientación automatizada para bachilleres: descubriendo el futuro universitario con un click
    (2022-11) Di Alessio, Maria Antonieta; Boada, Antonio
    This book is made with the purpose of exposing the scientific community and the general public, that it is possible to achieve an automated orientation of students with a purely formative purpose and self-introspection by each participant. It is not the intention of this document to present a controversy on the way of evaluating, nor about how educational policies should be carried out, this work only shows a very valuable exercise carried out at the national level in Venezuela, and which produced an element very powerful: massively guide aspiring students to enter an institution higher level education. Unfortunately, this work presented a political misrepresentation in Venezuela, because it was believed that they wanted to "psychologically evaluate" the applicants, a situation that obviously it is not possible through a psychometric assessment instrument, nor through a skills test. Likewise, it was thought that this work would impact the supply university at the national level, a situation for which he was disqualified by other institutions of the Venezuelan academy That is why the authors want to make it very clear that this book ‒as well as the articles derived from said work‒, has been (and always was) a work of excellence academic-investigative, in order to demonstrate that it is possible to massively orient aptitude-vocational way (through the strength of character) to an aspirant who wishes study at an institution of higher education in any region of any country. Of fact, now with the evolution of Big Data, and artificial intelligence, we believe that said work becomes even more relevant within the automated orientation process, since it is has access to various information online, a situation that did not exist in the past decade. Finally, the authors emphasize that an automated orientation will never be enough to achieve a complete educational orientation, but it will be a very valued, especially in those rural locations with difficult access and educational services limited.
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    Código de gobierno corporativo para la empresa de familia Riego y Campo SAS
    (2021-08) Arias Torres, Santiago; Vélez Bedoya, Rodrigo Angel
    The objective of this work is to generate a Corporate Governance proposal for the family business Riego y Campo SAS, as an instrument of good practices for economic growth. The descriptive case study (it is not an investigation), under the TEAM FOCUS method of business consulting, allowed the analysis of the environment, strategy, structure, organizational culture and corporate governance. The results show that family companies such as this one require codes of good governance to build the necessary capacities to ensure their future, consolidate a solid and robust corporate governance system based on the generation, delivery and capture of value; for Riego y Campo S.A.S., the corporate governance model and code is an instrument to prevent the risk of conflicts that threaten its future, both in the family, company and property relations, as well as with respect to the roles of the partners who in this case, although they have ended their marital relationship without conflicts, this instrument will be vital in company´s succession and economic growth processes.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Lideramos la Educación Virtual en Colombia Lecciones Aprendidas
    (2012) Mazo Cuervo, Diego Mauricio; - Diego Mauricio Mazo Cuervo; - Diego Mauricio Mazo Cuervo
    The Business Knowledge Management Unit of CEIPA, upon fulfilling the Institution the first 10 years of work in virtual education, has considered that a good celebration of this decade, is to collect some of papers presented at national and international events by the Vice President General, Magíster Diego Mauricio Mazo Cuervo, because in They contain a large part of the developments and transformations since when the idea of ​​creating a post-secondary education institution with the academic character of university higher education was conceived. During these 10 years, CEIPA has executed two strategic plans: “CEIPA XXI Century Project” and “Institutional Prospective 2006 - 2010”. These two The plans have as common axes: the virtual university, knowledge management, and the conception of the company university. At the end of 2008, CEIPA went from being a local, small and traditional higher education institution, to being a different and specialized one, with a global framework for action. This transformation would not have been possible without the clear decision of its management team led by the Rector and Founder Antonio Mazo Mejía, who saw in virtual education an opportunity to recreate the university and never let himself be defeated by . The chapters of this book present a panoramic view of the history of CEIPA and an account of all the factors related to virtuality, which have influenced its successful transformation, until it became what it is today. what it is today: the leading institution in virtual education in Colombia. The engine of the University of the Company was developed in the beginning when, also pioneers, CEIPA offered programs that responded to the needs of important Antioquian companies, even facing rejections from part of important professional societies, who saw in this novelty a certain danger for its own exercise, added to the demands of the educational authorities that, finally, instead of causing us to abandon our ideas and experiences, led us to success that today we can proudly highlight, where in addition to the regular students in the three modalities, we can count on an important contingent of students from companies and that has taken us beyond the borders with some of the programs. The challenge then is continuous and daily. It is clear to note that the management of the knowledge is a construction of every day and not a concept unless the circumstances were adverse static demic. During the years in the life of CEIPA, knowledge management has always been reflected on as a pillar of the success of our teaching methodology. Hence, Knowledge Management has been based on learning from the organization, as its main input, seeking to be seen as a process of continuous improvement. This learning between people, when talking about Management, is not only information, because the complete cycle of communication takes place: sender, message and perceiver, ensuring learning at the end of the process, in a real and practice. Everything is due to the experience that has been systematized and organized, managing to understand the cycle of learning. Therefore learning, we say today, is not only information, it is dialogue, reflection and action to then return to what has been done in an evaluation. In the context of practice, knowledge management is to understand what we learn to make it action. If we go a little further in learning, sharing and discerning what is learn, we will surely achieve .that it becomes a source of knowledge; that is the ideal; with them the university is enriched because they generate a collection of fundamental knowledge, with which you can face the future of knowledge management both face-to-face and virtually
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    La Fábula del Pez que Cruzó el Cielo
    (2012) Granada Granada, Rodrigo
    Lately, it was beating its tail with greater force, which allowed it to continue 'flying' long distances. One day I was flying close He heard a boat, in the company of other flying fish, say: - "There go the sea swallows." Right there he thought about the inconvenience of always having to return to the water and the fantastic idea that swallows remain in the sky. They were the thoughts of a flying fish that was happy going in and out of the sea. Its streamlined torpedo-shaped body allowed it to achieve enough speed to get out. of the water and gracefully display its large pectoral fins, true wings that transported it through the air at a distance of up to 400 meters, revealing its body covered with grayish and bluish scales, with showy silver flanks, which they shone in the sun. After those thoughts, he returned willing to perfect his 'flight'. He reviewed his technique step by step and deduced that if He managed to go from his speed of 70 to 150 kilometers per hour Under water, it would manage to soar and achieve an "autonomous flight of 600 meters", something unusual in its congeners. His long days of learning allowed him to perfect his technique so much that he exceeded his goal and advanced 800 meters, a true record!... He thought to himself. Stubborn as he was, he learned to fly in the open sky so as not to having to return to the sea and its dangers. One day like others and happy to fly like no other, he took a leap with agility but with such bad luck, that it ended up in the mouth of a great wandering albatross, which was passing by at that moment.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Casos Empresariales Colombianos
    (2011) Rave Gómez, Elkin Darío; Franco Restrepo, Juan Gonzalo; - Elkin Rave; - Elkin Rave
    For the CEIPA University Institution it is a reason for the greatest satisfaction present to the academic and business community of the country this book "Casos Colombian business. Managerial decisions in moments of crisis”, written by professors Juan Gonzalo Franco Restrepo and Elkin Darío Rave Gómez, linked to CEIPA for several years. This book, the result of the investigative effort of both professors, is a contribution in two important areas. First, the case study methodology It is increasingly used as a learning tool in educational programs. administration, as it allows to recreate situations, real most of the Sometimes, they confront the student with the need to analyze and build proposals for decisions that are later submitted to discussion and debate. It's a way of generate “training” spaces and put certain skills into practice developed in the training processes. Of course, we cannot ignore that this methodology is also subject to some criticism derived, for example, from the impossibility of including all variables that influence the context in which the proposed cases occur. But even so, it is still a method valid for achieving particular learning objectives. Secondly, studies such as the present allow us to advance in the purpose to know more deeply the Colombian business reality, even if it is very specific way or referred to very particular aspects or situations. cases such as Cultivos Sayonara, the Ramo Organization, PANACA and the Cooperative Coogranada, allow the reader and the student to know more about these companies and of the way they arose or responded to certain situations they faced. There is also in this a symbolic element of recognition and respect for what us, for our companies and for our management models. to managers of these companies that collaborated so much with this investigation go our most sincere thanks. Finally, it is worth noting that this book, a product of the efforts of our professors, is a sign of CEIPA's commitment to actively link from the academy with regional and national development, to strengthen the processes investigative and to be increasingly pertinent by truly contributing to making reality the purpose of being recognized as "The University of the Company".
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    Generación de Conocimiento en los Grupos Élite de Investigación en Administración en Colombia
    (2014) Calderón Hernández, Gregorio
    Making the elite management research groups the very object of this research was an interest that arose from the logic of the series of investigations sponsored by the Colombian Association of Faculties of Administration (Ascolfa), dating from 2005 to date, and that have been developed by networks of researchers from the faculties of Administration at the Colombian. Among these investigations are: The epistemological foundation of the administrative discipline from the perspective of the social sciences (Lozada, Durango, Arrubla, Ramírez, Jiménez, Posada, Toro, 2009) and Research in administration in Colombia (Calderón, Arrubla, Castaño, Gutiérrez, Posada, Ruiz, Vivares, 2010). The first research mentioned dealt with the epistemological, praxeological and ontological foundations of the administrative discipline, and the second worked a description of the conditions for the generation of knowledge, of the profile of researchers, institutionalization and scientific production in administration at the national. In the latter, it was found that in the measurement of groups carried out by Colciencias in the 2008, in the faculties of administration only three groups were in Category A1, and eleven in category A, for a total of 14 elite groups of 184 groups classified in administration for the date. From this it was possible to conclude, among other things, that the investigation is still at a incipient but has advanced significantly in the last decade, and that there are few groups that have a high development reflected in productivity and visibility in Colombia (Calderón et al., 2010). It was then from this investigative dynamic and of inquiry on the generation of knowledge in administration that was of special interest know how the elite groups worked of research, what characterized this functioning and what factors made them successful. By Therefore, the central objective of this research was to understand the dynamics of the generation of knowledge, success factors, as well as academic, organizational and cultural characteristics of the elite management research groups in Colombia, which were classified in the measurement of research groups carried out by Colciencias in 2010 (which for this measurement already had become nine A1 groups and 14 more in Category A). The book consists of eight chapters. In the first, the methodology of research used, as well as the context in which the investigation was carried out. In the following three chapters develops the theoretical framework, to which deals with the generation of knowledge as a construct and an approximation is made theory to the social groups that allowed us to approach the theory of research groups; a reflection on the discipline is also presented administrative in the context of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI). The research results begin to be addressed from chapter five, in which the internal dynamics of the elite groups are exposed, the emergence and development of these, their organization internal, the definition of the lines of investigation and the issue of research resources. follows him the sixth chapter, in which he reflects on the rigor and relevance of the generation of knowledge in these groups, a matter of importance current if we consider the responsibility of these groups in the generation, transfer and use of knowledge of epistemological construction, with sense social and economic development, circumscribed, by Of course, to the object of study of the administration. In the seventh chapter, the success factors identified by the group directors consulted are widely described. The book concludes with presentation of results in the eighth chapter, in which also describes the challenges and limitations that these research groups must face. The content ends with conclusions.
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    Casos Empresariales en Agronegocios Perú - Colombia
    (2016) Arias Vargas, Francisco Javier
    One of the purposes of casuistry is "to educate for life, for to know, to be and to do” in order to promote the integration of knowledge from different areas so that those who are trained under this methodology generate management skills and abilities, based on real contexts that require high doses of creativity and technical knowledge to make better decisions than promote solutions to business problems. Case studies have generated a revolution in the way top managers of companies are trained in the most renowned business schools in the international arena, since they are taken as examples of large companies and multinationals that are sometimes far from Latin American economic reality, where there is a high incidence of SMEs. Although the region's business schools are advancing in the construction of academic material to reduce this gap and generate systematized knowledge of the business reality in different economic sectors, it could be mentioned that these still are scarce and not very accessible, since most institutions charge for their developments, which limits the possibility for stakeholders have access to free and quality knowledge that can be implemented in undergraduate and postgraduate training, in business schools in Latin America. When analyzing the academic productions of our continent, it is was able to evidence the scarce development of the business casuistry of agribusiness. For this reason, research professors from universities in Peru and Colombia have been interested in this problem in which the productive realities of both countries are particularly relevant where rurality and the development of their companies are key to the economic and social improvement of its inhabitants. From there comes the urgency to train managers who know the needs and realities local, so that, through a better academic preparation, generate a critical mass of trained human capital that encourages transformations of the environment with a view to ensuring that the companies of the agriculture are competitive in a globalized context. This motivated the development of the research project entitled "Knowledge management in agribusiness at the binational level PeruColombia: Construction of cases for business companies in Latin America”, research that involved the following universities: • Lasallian University Corporation • Toribio Rodríguez National University of Mendoza of Amazonas • Ceipa University Foundation • National university of Trujillo • Autonomous University Foundation of the Americas • University of Medellin • University of La Salle Arequipa The result is a business casebook with purpose training that relates real situations of SMEs representative of the agribusiness sector in both countries. The book is distributed following form: Chapter 1 provides the reader with the basic concepts and procedure methodological analysis of the cases presented in the following chapters. The Chapter 2 exposes the case of the Antioquian company of Pigs and its Porcicarnes® brand, which faced various difficulties from its beginnings, but, thanks to the right decisions of its founder, It is currently consolidated in the Colombian market. The chapter 3 exposes the reality of the asparagus producing sector in Trujillo region in Peru, a product that shows an interesting potential in international markets. Chapter 4 sets out the case. of the 3 Cordilleras Brewery, where the historical evolution of this company and poses its challenges for the future. Chapter 5 shows the case of Lácteos Betania S.A., which faces the challenges of a family organization seeking to position itself and grow in the Colombian market. Chapter 6 considers the case of the company Proalcuy®, one of the main producers of guinea pigs in the region of the Peruvian Amazon and in which scenarios typical of production and marketing in the northern area of ​​this country. Chapter 7 develops the case of the association of producers Hass avocado in Colombia, and shows the path traveled by this company based on solidarity economy for the production of a fruit tree that seeks to gain share in national markets and international. Finally, chapter 8 exposes the impact of microfinance in the development of the agricultural sector of the pampas de majes in the Pedregal region, Arequipa. The authors of this work are recognized academics of agribusiness in Peru and Colombia, which have motivated the creation of the International Knowledge Management Research Network Business (RED GCE), which has grown remarkably and Currently, it is present in public and private universities in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico and Brazil. We hope that this edition will be of public interest and will become a reference guide for academics and practitioners in the field international.
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    Despertar los saberes: guía de competencias para maestros
    (2016) Marulanda Carmona, Jorge Albeiro
    This book is the result of a research process fundamentally qualitative, supported by the conception of participatory action research [PAR]–. The project was born before the need to build a proposal to analyze the curricular situation of the municipality of Sabaneta, Antioquia, which would allow the design and implementation of strategies for the improvement of the quality of the educational service, bringing it closer to a model of competency-based training that would respond to recent innovations in pedagogy and didactics in general and to the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education in particular. The project was carried out for four years and due to the challenges raised from the beginning, was characterized as an exercise in collective construction of knowledge, in which they interacted national experts, researchers from the CEIPA Orygen group, and all teachers and directors of educational institutions municipal officials. To guarantee participation and academic construction, Various work tables were held with all the teachers and directors of the eight official educational institutions of the municipality, in each meeting there were also conferences and workshops with experts; which constitutes a methodological success, since it facilitated the development of specific products in the curricular scope of the institutions, in addition to other achievements perhaps intangible but no less important, such as the generation of spaces for dialogue, agreement and exchange among the participants, which gives rise to criticism and debate, thus strengthening the academic culture of the educational community local. In accordance with the IAP methodology, they were actively involved the actors of the process, teachers, directors, students and families, who built a study plan for all the areas, the institutional student assessment system, an instrument for classroom planning by periods and a model for the formulation of mandatory projects. These products were socialized and published on a web platform managed by each educational institution.1 As part of implementation strategies, the "Creativity at School" contest is held annually, which seeks to generate and socialize teaching strategies aimed at developing skills in students and teachers.